The config module contains a mechanism to collect configuration parameters from various sources and configuration files, and to combine them in a hierarchical manner into a single, consistent configuration dictionary. It will load an (optional) provided config file, or alternatively use a passed python dictionary as initial config dictionary, and subsequently look for the following additional config files to load:
: A config file of name :file:sed_config.yaml
in the current working directory. This is mostly intended to pass calibration parameters of the workflow between different notebook instances.user_config
: A config file provided by the user, stored as :file:.config/sed/config_v1.yaml
in the current user’s home directly. This is intended to give a user the option for individual configuration modifications of system settings.system_config
: A config file provided by the system administrator, stored as :file:/etc/sed/config_v1.yaml
on Linux-based systems, and :file:%ALLUSERSPROFILE%/sed/config_v1.yaml
on Windows. This should provide all necessary default parameters for using the sed processor with a given setup. For an example for an mpes setup, see :ref:example_config
: The default configuration shipped with the package. Typically, all parameters here should be overwritten by any of the other configuration files.
The config mechanism returns the combined dictionary, and reports the loaded configuration files. In order to disable or overwrite any of the configuration files, they can be also given as optional parameters (path to a file, or python dictionary).
Default configuration settings#
# The loader to use. The generic loader allows for loading various files types directly using dask.
loader: generic
# Column settings
x: X # dataframe column containing x coordinates
y: Y # dataframe column containing y coordinates
tof: t # dataframe column containing time-of-flight data
tof_ns: t_ns # dataframe column containing time-of-flight data in nanoseconds
corrected_x: Xm # dataframe column containing corrected x coordinates
corrected_y: Ym # dataframe column containing corrected y coordinates
corrected_tof: tm # dataframe column containing corrected time-of-flight data
kx: kx # dataframe column containing kx coordinates
ky: ky # dataframe column containing ky coordinates
energy: energy # dataframe column containing energy data
delay: delay # dataframe column containing delay data
adc: ADC # dataframe column containing analog-to-digital data
bias: sampleBias # dataframe column containing bias voltage data
timestamp: timeStamp # dataframe column containing timestamp data
# time length of a base time-of-flight bin in s
tof_binwidth: 4.125e-12
# Binning factor of the tof_column-data compared to tof_binwidth
tof_binning: 1
# binning factor used for the adc coordinate
adc_binning: 1
# list of columns to apply jitter to.
jitter_cols: ["@x", "@y", "@tof"]
# Jitter amplitude or list of jitter amplitudes. Should equal half the digital step size of each jitter_column
jitter_amps: 0.5
# Time stepping in seconds of the successive events in the timed dataframe
timed_dataframe_unit_time: 0.001
# Number of bins to use for energy calibration traces
bins: 1000
# Bin ranges to use for energy calibration curves (for tof_binning=1)
ranges: [100000, 150000]
# Option to normalize energy calibration traces
normalize: True
# Pixel range for smoothing
normalize_span: 7
# Spline order for smoothing
normalize_order: 1
# Radius parameter for fastdtw algorithm to find path correspondence
fastdtw_radius: 2
# Window around a peak to make sure that no other peaks are present
peak_window: 7
# Method to use for energy calibration
calibration_method: "lmfit"
# Energy scale to use for energy calibration
energy_scale: "kinetic"
# Approximate position of the high-energy-cutoff in tof_column bins,
# used for displaying a graph to choose the energy correction function parameters.
tof_fermi: 132250
# TOF range to visualize for the correction tool around tof_fermi
tof_width: [-600, 1000]
# x-integration range for the correction tool around the center pixel
x_width: [-20, 20]
# y-integration range for the correction tool around the center pixel
y_width: [-20, 20]
# High intensity cutoff for the visualization tool
color_clip: 300
# binning axes to use for momentum correction/calibration.
# Axes names starting with "@" refer to keys in the "dataframe" section
axes: ["@x", "@y", "@tof"]
# Bin numbers used for the respective axes
bins: [512, 512, 300]
# bin ranges to use (in unbinned detector coordinates)
ranges: [[-256, 1792], [-256, 1792], [132000, 138000]]
# The x/y pixel ranges of the detector
detector_ranges: [[0, 2048], [0, 2048]]
# The center pixel of the detector in the binned x/y coordinates
center_pixel: [256, 256]
# Sigma parameter for feature selection (intensity above background)
sigma: 5
# FWHM parameter for feature selection (width of features to extract)
fwhm: 8
# Sigma_radius parameter for feature selection (variation of radius size)
sigma_radius: 1
# value ranges of the analog-to-digital converter axes used for encoding the delay stage position
# (in unbinned coordinates)
adc_range: [1900, 25600]
# if to flip the time axis
flip_time_axis: False
# Histogram computation mode to use.
hist_mode: "numba"
# Mode for histogram recombination to use
mode: fast
# Whether to display a progress bar
pbar: True
# Number of multithreading threads per worker thread
threads_per_worker: 4
# API for numpy multithreading
threadpool_API: "blas"
# number of bins used for histogram visualization
bins: [80, 80, 80]
# default axes to use for histogram visualization.
# Axes names starting with "@" refer to keys in the "dataframe" section
axes: ["@x", "@y", "@tof"]
# default ranges to use for histogram visualization (in unbinned detector coordinates)
ranges: [[0, 1800], [0, 1800], [0, 150000]]
Example configuration file for mpes (METIS momentum microscope at FHI-Berlin)#
# The loader to use. The mpes loader allows for loading hdf5 files from the METIS momentum microscope.
loader: mpes
# Number of parallel threads to use for parallelized jobs (e.g. binning, data conversion, copy, ...)
num_cores: 20
# Option to use the copy tool to mirror data to a local storage location before processing.
# copy_tool:
# # path to the root of the source data directory
# source: "/path/to/data/"
# # path to the root or the local data storage
# dest: "/path/to/localDataStore/"
# # group id to set for copied files and folders
# gid: 1000
# hdf5 group name containing eventIDs occurring at every millisecond (used to calculate timestamps)
ms_markers_key: "msMarkers"
# hdf5 attribute containing the timestamp of the first event in a file
first_event_time_stamp_key: "FirstEventTimeStamp"
# Time stepping in seconds of the successive events in the timed dataframe
timed_dataframe_unit_time: 0.001
# list of columns to apply jitter to
jitter_cols: ["X", "Y", "t", "ADC"]
x: X # dataframe column containing x coordinates
y: Y # dataframe column containing y coordinates
tof: t # dataframe column containing time-of-flight data
adc: ADC # dataframe column containing analog-to-digital data
bias: sampleBias # dataframe column containing bias voltage data
corrected_x: Xm # dataframe column containing corrected x coordinates
corrected_y: Ym # dataframe column containing corrected y coordinates
corrected_tof: tm # dataframe column containing corrected time-of-flight data
kx: kx # dataframe column containing kx coordinates
ky: ky # dataframe column containing ky coordinates
energy: energy # dataframe column containing energy data
delay: delay # dataframe column containing delay data
timestamp: timeStamps # dataframe column containing timestamp data
# time length of a base time-of-flight bin in ns
tof_binwidth: 4.125e-12
# Binning factor of the tof_column-data compared to tof_binwidth
tof_binning: 4
# binning factor used for the adc coordinate
adc_binning: 4
# Default units for dataframe entries
X: 'step'
Y: 'step'
t: 'step'
tof_voltage: 'V'
extractor_voltage: 'V'
extractor_current: 'A'
cryo_temperature: 'K'
sample_temperature: 'K'
dld_time: 'ns'
delay: 'ps'
timeStamp: 's'
energy: 'eV'
E: 'eV'
kx: '1/A'
ky: '1/A'
# dataframe channels and group names to read from the h5 files
# The X-channel
format: per_electron
dataset_key: "Stream_0"
# The Y-channel
format: per_electron
dataset_key: "Stream_1"
# The tof-channel
format: per_electron
dataset_key: "Stream_2"
# The ADC-channel
format: per_electron
dataset_key: "Stream_4"
# The sample Bias-channel
format: per_file
dataset_key: "KTOF:Lens:Sample:V"
# Number of bins to use for energy calibration traces
bins: 1000
# Bin ranges to use for energy calibration curves (for tof_binning=1)
ranges: [256000, 276000]
# hdf5 path to attribute storing bias information for a given file
bias_key: "@KTOF:Lens:Sample:V"
# Option to normalize energy calibration traces
normalize: True
# Pixel range for smoothing
normalize_span: 7
# Spline order for smoothing
normalize_order: 1
# Radius parameter for fastdtw algorithm to find path correspondence
fastdtw_radius: 2
# Window around a peak to make sure that no other peaks are present
peak_window: 7
# Method to use for energy calibration
calibration_method: "lmfit"
# Energy scale to use for energy calibration
energy_scale: "kinetic"
# Approximate position of the high-energy-cutoff in tof_column bins,
# used for displaying a graph to choose the energy correction function parameters.
tof_fermi: 264500
# TOF range to visualize for the correction tool around tof_fermi
tof_width: [-600, 1000]
# x-integration range for the correction tool around the center pixel
x_width: [-20, 20]
# y-integration range for the correction tool around the center pixel
y_width: [-20, 20]
# High intensity cutoff for the visualization tool
color_clip: 300
# Correction type
correction_type: "Lorentzian"
# Correction amplitude
amplitude: 2.5
# center coordinates for the correction (in detector coordinates)
center: [730.0, 730.0]
# gamma value for the Lorentzian correction (same for x and y)
gamma: 920.0
# sigma value for the gaussian correction (same for x and y)
sigma: 700.0
# diameter value for the radial correction (same for x and y)
diameter: 3000.0
# Default energy calibration
# time-of-flight distance (in m)
d: 1.058206295066418
# time offset (in ns)
t0: 7.684410678887588e-07
# energy offset (in eV)
E0: -30.440035779171833
# energy scale of calibration
energy_scale: "kinetic"
# binning axes to use for momentum correction/calibration.
# Axes names starting with "@" refer to keys in the "dataframe" section
axes: ["@x", "@y", "@tof"]
# Bin numbers used for the respective axes
bins: [512, 512, 300]
# bin ranges to use (in unbinned detector coordinates)
ranges: [[-256, 1792], [-256, 1792], [264000, 272000]]
# The x/y pixel ranges of the detector
detector_ranges: [[0, 2048], [0, 2048]]
# The center pixel of the detector in the binned x/y coordinates
center_pixel: [256, 256]
# Sigma parameter for feature selection (intensity above background)
sigma: 5
# FWHM parameter for feature selection (width of features to extract)
fwhm: 8
# Sigma_radius parameter for feature selection (variation of radius size)
sigma_radius: 1
# default momentum calibration
# x momentum scaling factor
kx_scale: 0.010729535670610963
# y momentum scaling factor
ky_scale: 0.010729535670610963
# x BZ center pixel
x_center: 256.0
# y BZ center pixel
y_center: 256.0
# x start value of the calibration dataset
rstart: -256.
# y start value of the calibration dataset
cstart: -256.
# x direction pixel stepping of the calibration dataset
rstep: 4.0
# y direction pixel stepping of the calibration dataset
cstep: 4.0
# default feature points used for calculating the distortion correction.
feature_points: [[203.2, 341.96], [299.16, 345.32], [350.25, 243.70], [304.38, 149.88], [199.52, 152.48], [154.28, 242.27], [248.29, 248.62]]
# rotational symmetry of the structure used for correction. Should be an even number
rotation_symmetry: 6
# Option whether the center of the structure is included in the feature points.
include_center: True
# Option whether the center should be included in the correction algorithm
use_center: True
# value ranges of the analog-to-digital converter axes used for encoding the delay stage position
# (in unbinned coordinates)
adc_range: [1900, 25600]
# hdf5 attribute containing the starting point of the delay stage
p1_key: "@trARPES:DelayStage:p1"
# hdf5 attribute containing the end point of the delay stage
p2_key: "@trARPES:DelayStage:p2"
# hdf5 attribute containing the t0 value of the delay stage
t0_key: "@trARPES:DelayStage:t0"
# Histogram computation mode to use.
hist_mode: "numba"
# Mode for histogram recombination to use
mode: "fast"
# Whether to display a progress bar
pbar: True
# Number of multithreading threads per worker thread
threads_per_worker: 4
# API for numpy multithreading
threadpool_API: "blas"
# number of bins used for histogram visualization
bins: [80, 80, 80, 80]
# default axes to use for histogram visualization.
# Axes names starting with "@" refer to keys in the "dataframe" section
axes: ["@x", "@y", "@tof", "@adc"]
# default ranges to use for histogram visualization (in unbinned detector coordinates)
ranges: [[0, 1800], [0, 1800], [256000, 276000], [0, 32000]]
# URL of the epics archiver request engine
archiver_url: ""
# EPICS channels to collect from EPICS archiver
epics_pvs: ["KTOF:Lens:Extr:I", "trARPES:Carving:TEMP_RBV", "trARPES:XGS600:PressureAC:P_RD", "KTOF:Lens:UDLD:V", "KTOF:Lens:Sample:V", "KTOF:Apertures:m1.RBV", "KTOF:Apertures:m2.RBV", "KTOF:Apertures:m3.RBV", "trARPES:Carving:TRX.RBV", "trARPES:Carving:TRY.RBV", "trARPES:Carving:TRZ.RBV", "trARPES:Carving:THT.RBV", "trARPES:Carving:PHI.RBV", "trARPES:Carving:OMG.RBV"]
# hdf5 attribute containing the field aperture "in" motor position
fa_in_channel: 'KTOF:Apertures:m1.RBV'
# hdf5 attribute containing the field aperture "hor" motor position
fa_hor_channel: 'KTOF:Apertures:m2.RBV'
# hdf5 attribute containing the contrast aperture "in" motor position
ca_in_channel: 'KTOF:Apertures:m3.RBV'
# dictionary containing contrast and field aperture motor positions and sizes
'750': [[-3.0, -1.4], [-5.4, -4.6]]
grid: [[-3.0, -1.4], [0.15, 1.75]]
'1500': [[-3.0, -1.4], [6.25, 7.75]]
'200': [[3.3, 4.4], [-5.4, -4.6]]
'500': [[3.3, 4.4], [0.15, 1.75]]
'1000': [[3.3, 4.4], [6.25, 7.75]]
'20': [[9.6, 10.1], [-5.4, -4.6]]
'50': [[9.6, 10.1], [0.15, 1.75]]
'100': [[9.6, 10.1], [6.25, 7.75]]
open: [[-15, -9.0], [-15, -8.9]]
'50': [8.0, 8.4]
'200': [-0.5, -0.9]
'100': [3.4, 3.8]
grid: [-5.3, -5.9]
open: [-12.0, -8]
'750': [[-6.2, -4.8], [5.0, 6.0]]
grid: [[-6.2, -4.8], [-0.7, -0.3]]
'500': [[-6.2, -4.8], [-7.0, -6.0]]
'200': [[0.5, 0.9], [-0.7, -0.3]]
'100': [[0.5, 0.9], [-7.0, -6.0]]
'300': [[0.5, 0.9], [5.0, 6.0]]
'10': [[6.5, 6.9], [-7.0, -6.0]]
'20': [[6.5, 6.9], [-0.7, -0.3]]
'50': [[6.5, 6.9], [5.0, 6.0]]
open: [[-15, -8.5], [-15, -8.9]]
'50': [9.0, 11.0]
'300': [-0.1, 0.1]
'200': [0.7, 1.5]
'100': [5.1, 5.9]
grid: [-5.5, -5.2]
open: [-15, -8.5]
# dictionary containing lens mode configurations
Extr: 6000.0
UCA: 1200
UFA: 600.0
Z1: 2452.9
Z2: 1489.9
A: 420.07
B: 2494.8
C: 489.2
D: 228.05
E: 113.82
F: 54.232
G: 20.0
H: 25.5
I: 36.0
TOF: 20.0
MCPfront: 20.0
Extr: 6000.0
UCA: 1200
UFA: 600.0
Z1: 2452.9
Z2: 1489.9
A: 403.07
B: 2500
C: 422.25
D: 208.88
E: 199.49
F: 68.735
G: 30.0
H: 30.0
I: 44.5
TOF: 30.0
MCPfront: 30.0
# pynxtools reader to use for saving NXmpes files
reader: "mpes"
# NeXus application definition to use for saving
definition: "NXmpes"
# List containing additional input files to be handed to the pynxtools converter tool,
# e.g. containing a configuration file, and additional metadata.
input_files: ["../src/sed/config/NXmpes_config.json"]
Example configuration file for flash (HEXTOF momentum microscope at FLASH, Desy)#
# This file contains the default configuration for the flash loader.
# defines the loader
loader: flash
# Since this will run on maxwell most probably, we have a lot of cores at our disposal
num_cores: 100
# the beamline where experiment took place
beamline: pg2
# the ID number of the beamtime
beamtime_id: 11019101
# the year of the beamtime
year: 2023
# the instrument used
instrument: hextof # hextof, wespe, etc
# The paths to the raw and parquet data directories. If these are not
# provided, the loader will try to find the data based on year beamtimeID etc
# paths:
# # location of the raw data.
# raw: ""
# # location of the intermediate parquet files.
# processed: ""
# The prefixes of the stream names for different DAQ systems for parsing filenames
pbd: "GMD_DATA_gmd_data"
pbd2: "FL2PhotDiag_pbd2_gmd_data"
fl1user1: "FLASH1_USER1_stream_2"
fl1user2: "FLASH1_USER2_stream_2"
fl1user3: "FLASH1_USER3_stream_2"
fl2user1: "FLASH2_USER1_stream_2"
fl2user2: "FLASH2_USER2_stream_2"
# The beamtime directories for different DAQ systems.
# (Not to be changed by user)
pg2: "/asap3/flash/gpfs/pg2/"
# Histogram computation mode to use.
hist_mode: "numba"
# Mode for histogram recombination to use
mode: fast
# Whether to display a progress bar
pbar: True
# Number of multithreading threads per worker thread
threads_per_worker: 4
# API for numpy multithreading
threadpool_API: "blas"
daq: fl1user3 # DAQ system name to resolve filenames/paths
ubid_offset: 5 # Offset correction to the pulseId
forward_fill_iterations: 2 # Number of iterations to fill the pulseId forward
split_sector_id_from_dld_time: True # Remove reserved bits for dldSectorID from dldTimeSteps column
sector_id_reserved_bits: 3 # Bits reserved for dldSectorID in the dldTimeSteps column
sector_delays: [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.] # Sector delays
# Time and binning settings
tof_binwidth: 2.0576131995767355E-11 # Base time-of-flight bin width in seconds
tof_binning: 8 # Binning parameter for time-of-flight data
# Columns used for jitter correction
jitter_cols: [dldPosX, dldPosY, dldTimeSteps]
# Column settings
x: dldPosX
corrected_x: X
kx: kx
y: dldPosY
corrected_y: Y
ky: ky
tof: dldTimeSteps
tof_ns: dldTime
corrected_tof: tm
timestamp: timeStamp
auxiliary: dldAux
sector_id: dldSectorID
delay: delayStage
corrected_delay: pumpProbeTime
# These are the units of the columns
dldPosX: 'step'
dldPosY: 'step'
dldTimeSteps: 'step'
tof_voltage: 'V'
extractorVoltage: 'V'
extractorCurrent: 'A'
cryoTemperature: 'K'
sampleTemperature: 'K'
dldTime: 'ns'
delay: 'ps'
delayStage: 'ps'
timeStamp: 's'
energy: 'eV'
E: 'eV'
kx: '1/A'
ky: '1/A'
# The channels to load from the raw data. The channels have the following structure:
# channels have the following structure:
# <channelAlias>:
# format: per_pulse/per_electron/per_train
# index_key: the hdf5 index key
# dataset_key: the hdf5 dataset key
# slice: int to slice a multidimensional data along axis=1. If not defined, there is no slicing
# dtype: the datatype of the data
# subChannels: further aliases for if the data is multidimensional and needs to be split in different cols
# used currently for the auxiliary channel
# <subChannelAlias>:
# slice: int to slice a multidimensional data along axis=1. Must be defined
# dtype: the datatype of the data
# The timestamp
format: per_train
index_key: "/uncategorised/FLASH.DIAG/TIMINGINFO/TIME1.BUNCH_FIRST_INDEX.1/index"
dataset_key: "/uncategorised/FLASH.DIAG/TIMINGINFO/TIME1.BUNCH_FIRST_INDEX.1/time"
# pulse ID is a necessary channel for using the loader.
format: per_electron
index_key: "/uncategorised/FLASH.EXP/HEXTOF.DAQ/DLD1/index"
dataset_key: "/uncategorised/FLASH.EXP/HEXTOF.DAQ/DLD1/value"
slice: 2
dtype: uint16
# detector x position
format: per_electron
index_key: "/uncategorised/FLASH.EXP/HEXTOF.DAQ/DLD1/index"
dataset_key: "/uncategorised/FLASH.EXP/HEXTOF.DAQ/DLD1/value"
slice: 1
dtype: uint16
# detector y position
format: per_electron
index_key: "/uncategorised/FLASH.EXP/HEXTOF.DAQ/DLD1/index"
dataset_key: "/uncategorised/FLASH.EXP/HEXTOF.DAQ/DLD1/value"
slice: 0
dtype: uint16
# Detector time-of-flight channel
# if split_sector_id_from_dld_time is set to True, This this will generate
# also the dldSectorID channel
format: per_electron
index_key: "/uncategorised/FLASH.EXP/HEXTOF.DAQ/DLD1/index"
dataset_key: "/uncategorised/FLASH.EXP/HEXTOF.DAQ/DLD1/value"
slice: 3
dtype: uint32
# The auxiliary channel has a special structure where the group further contains
# a multidimensional structure so further aliases are defined below
format: per_train
index_key: "/uncategorised/FLASH.EXP/HEXTOF.DAQ/DLD1/index"
dataset_key: "/uncategorised/FLASH.EXP/HEXTOF.DAQ/DLD1/value"
slice: 4
slice: 0
dtype: float32
slice: 1
dtype: float64
slice: 2
slice: 3
slice: 4
slice: 5
slice: 15
# ADC containing the pulser sign (1: value approx. 35000, 0: 33000)
format: per_pulse
index_key: "/FL1/Experiment/PG/SIS8300 100MHz ADC/CH6/TD/index"
dataset_key: "/FL1/Experiment/PG/SIS8300 100MHz ADC/CH6/TD/value"
# the energy of the monochromatized beam. This is a quasi-static value.
# there is a better channel which still needs implementation.
format: per_train
index_key: "/FL1/Beamlines/PG/Monochromator/monochromator photon energy/index"
dataset_key: "/FL1/Beamlines/PG/Monochromator/monochromator photon energy/value"
# The GMDs can not be read yet...
format: per_train
index_key: "/FL1/Photon Diagnostic/GMD/Average energy/energy BDA/index"
dataset_key: "/FL1/Photon Diagnostic/GMD/Average energy/energy BDA/value"
# Beam Arrival Monitor, vital for pump-probe experiments as it can compensate sase
# timing fluctuations.
# Here we use the DBC2 BAM as the "normal" one is broken.
format: per_pulse
index_key: "/uncategorised/FLASH.SDIAG/BAM.DAQ/FL0.DBC2.ARRIVAL_TIME.ABSOLUTE.SA1.COMP/index"
dataset_key: "/uncategorised/FLASH.SDIAG/BAM.DAQ/FL0.DBC2.ARRIVAL_TIME.ABSOLUTE.SA1.COMP/value"
# The delay Stage position, encoding the pump-probe delay
format: per_train
dataset_key: "/zraw/FLASH.SYNC/LASER.LOCK.EXP/F1.PG.OSC/FMC0.MD22.1.ENCODER_POSITION.RD/dGroup/value"
# metadata collection from scicat
# metadata:
# scicat_url: <URL>
# scicat_token: <TOKEN>
# The nexus collection routine shall be finalized soon for both instruments
reader: "mpes"
definition: "NXmpes"
input_files: ["../src/sed/config/NXmpes_config-HEXTOF.json"]