Workflows# Tutorial for binning data from the HEXTOF instrument at FLASH Preparation Import necessary libraries Get data paths Config setup cleanup previous config files Load a chessy sample run Generate the Processor instance Important note Add Jitter inspect the dataframe Visualizing event histograms Binning visualize the result Optical Spot Profile Energy Calibration sector alignment time-of-flight spectrum find calibration parameters generate the energy axis Bin in energy correct offsets save the calibration parameters Correct delay axis Run the workflow from the config file plot the delayStage values bin in the corrected delay axis save parameters Run workflow entirely from config. Compute the results Save results Tutorial for binning data from the SXP instrument at the European XFEL Preparation Import necessary libraries Get data paths Config setup cleanup previous config files Load Au/Mica data Inspect the dataframe Train IDs in scans Channel Histograms PulseIds, ElectronIds Spectrum vs. MicrobunchId Energy Calibration time-of-flight spectrum Load energy calibration files Load bias series find calibration parameters Save calibration Bin data with energy axis Correct delay stage offset. Tutorial for trXPD for the HEXTOF instrument at FLASH with background normalization Preparation Import necessary libraries Get data paths Config setup Prepare Energy Calibration Read data bin in the calibrated energy and corrected delay axis XPD from W4f core level