Source code for specsscan.helpers

"""This script contains helper functions used by the specsscan class"""
from __future__ import annotations

import datetime as dt
import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
from typing import Sequence
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.error import URLError
from urllib.request import urlopen

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import tqdm

from specsanalyzer.config import complete_dictionary

[docs] def get_scan_path(path: Path | str, scan: int, basepath: Path | str) -> Path: """Returns the path to the given scan. Args: path (Path | str): Path under which to search. If empty, the basepath will be queried scan (int): Scan number basepath (Path | str): Default base path to search for scans under Raises: FileNotFoundError: Raised if the path or scan cannot be found. Returns: Path: Path object to the given scan directory """ if path: path = Path(path).joinpath(str(scan).zfill(4)) if not path.is_dir(): raise FileNotFoundError( f"The provided path {path} was not found.", ) else: # search for the given scan using the default path path = Path(basepath) path_scan_list = find_scan(path, scan) if not path_scan_list: raise FileNotFoundError( f"Scan number {scan} not found", ) path = path_scan_list[0] return path
[docs] def load_images( scan_path: Path, df_lut: pd.DataFrame = None, iterations: np.ndarray | slice | Sequence[int] | Sequence[slice] = None, delays: np.ndarray | slice | int | Sequence[int] | Sequence[slice] = None, tqdm_enable_nested: bool = False, ) -> list[np.ndarray]: """Loads a 2D/3D numpy array of images for the given scan path with an optional averaging over the given iterations/delays. The function provides functionality to both load_scan and check_scan methods of the SpecsScan class. When iterations/delays is provided, average is performed over the iterations/delays for all delays/iterations. Args: scan_path (Path): object of class Path pointing to the scan folder df_lut (pd.DataFrame, optional): Pandas dataframe containing the contents of LUT.txt as obtained from parse_lut_to_df(). Defaults to None. iterations (np.ndarray | slice | Sequence[int] | Sequence[slice], optional): A 1-D array of the indices of iterations over which the images are to be averaged. The array can be a list, numpy array or a Tuple consisting of slice objects and integers. For ex., ``np.s_[1:10, 15, -1]`` would be a valid input. Defaults to None. delays (np.ndarray | slice | int | Sequence[int] | Sequence[slice], optional): A 1-D array of the indices of delays over which the images are to be averaged. The array can be a list, numpy array or a Tuple consisting of slice objects and integers. For ex., ``np.s_[1:10, 15, -1]`` would be a valid input. Defaults to None. tqdm_enable_nested (bool, optional): Option to enable a nested progress bar. Defaults to False. Raises: ValueError: Raised if both iterations and delays is provided. IndexError: Raised if no valid dimension for averaging is found. Returns: list[np.ndarray]: A list of 2-D numpy arrays of raw data """ scan_list = sorted( file.stem for file in scan_path.joinpath("AVG").iterdir() if file.suffix == ".tsv" ) data = [] if iterations is not None or delays is not None: avg_dim = "iterations" if iterations is not None else "delays" if df_lut is not None: raw_array = df_lut["filename"].to_numpy() else: raw_gen = scan_path.joinpath("RAW").glob("*.tsv") raw_array = np.array( [file.stem + ".tsv" for file in raw_gen], ) raw_2d = get_raw2d( scan_list, raw_array, ) # Slicing along the given iterations or delays try: if avg_dim == "delays": raw_2d_sliced = raw_2d[:, np.r_[delays]] else: # iterations is not None if delays is not None: raise ValueError( "Invalid input. One of either iterations or" "delays is expected, both were provided.", ) raw_2d_sliced = raw_2d[np.r_[iterations]].T except IndexError as exc: raise IndexError( f"Invalid {avg_dim} for " "the chosen data. In case of a single scan, " f"try without passing iterations inside the " "load_scan method.", ) from exc print(f"Averaging over {avg_dim}...") for dim in tqdm(raw_2d_sliced): avg_list = [] for image in tqdm(dim, leave=False, disable=not tqdm_enable_nested): if image != "nan": with open( scan_path.joinpath(f"RAW/{image}"), encoding="utf-8", ) as file: new_im = np.loadtxt(file, delimiter="\t") avg_list.append(new_im) data.append( np.average( np.array(avg_list), axis=0, ), ) else: for image in tqdm(scan_list): with open( scan_path.joinpath( f"AVG/{image}.tsv", ), encoding="utf-8", ) as file: new_im = np.loadtxt(file, delimiter="\t") data.append(new_im) return data
[docs] def get_raw2d(scan_list: list[str], raw_array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Converts a 1-D array of raw scan names into 2-D based on the number of iterations Args: scan_list (list[str]): A list of AVG scan names. raw_list (np.ndarray): 1-D array of RAW scan names. Returns: np.ndarray: 2-D numpy array of size for ex., (total_iterations, delays) for a delay scan. """ total_iterations = len( [im for im in raw_array if f"{scan_list[0]}_" in im], ) delays = len(scan_list) diff = delays * (total_iterations) - len(raw_array) if diff: # Ongoing or aborted scan diff = delays - diff # Number of scans in the last iteration raw_2d = raw_array[:-diff].reshape( total_iterations - 1, delays, ) last_iter_array = np.full( (1, delays), fill_value="nan", dtype="object", ) last_iter_array[0, :diff] = raw_array[-diff:] raw_2d = np.concatenate( (raw_2d, last_iter_array), ) else: # Complete scan raw_2d = raw_array.reshape(total_iterations, delays) return raw_2d
[docs] def parse_lut_to_df(scan_path: Path) -> pd.DataFrame: """Loads the contents of LUT.txt file into a pandas data frame to be used as metadata. Args: scan_path (Path): Path object for the scan path Returns: pd.DataFrame: A pandas DataFrame """ try: df_lut = pd.read_csv(scan_path.joinpath("RAW/LUT.txt"), sep="\t") df_lut.reset_index(inplace=True) new_cols = df_lut.columns.to_list()[1:] new_cols[new_cols.index("delaystage")] = "Delay" new_cols.insert(3, "delay (fs)") # Create label to drop the column later df_lut = df_lut.set_axis(new_cols, axis="columns") df_lut.drop(columns="delay (fs)", inplace=True) except FileNotFoundError: print( "LUT.txt not found. Storing metadata from info.txt", ) return None return df_lut
[docs] def get_coords( scan_path: Path, scan_type: str, scan_info: dict[Any, Any], df_lut: pd.DataFrame = None, ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, str]: """Reads the contents of scanvector.txt file into a numpy array. Args: scan_path (Path): Path object for the scan path scan_type (str): Type of scan (delay, mirror etc.) scan_info (dict[Any, Any]): scan_info class dict df_lut (pd.DataFrame, optional): Pandas dataframe containing the contents of LUT.txt as obtained from parse_lut_to_df(). Defaults to None. Raises: FileNotFoundError: Raised in neither scanvector.txt nor LUT.txt are found. Returns: tuple[np.ndarray, str]: - coords: 1-D numpy array containing coordinates of the scanned axis. - dim: string containing the name of the coordinate """ try: with open(scan_path.joinpath("scanvector.txt"), encoding="utf-8") as file: data = np.loadtxt(file, ndmin=2) coords, index = compare_coords(data) if scan_type == "mirror": dim = ["mirrorX", "mirrorY"][index] elif scan_type == "manipulator": dim = ["X", "Y", "Z", "polar", "tilt", "azimuth"][index] else: dim = scan_type except FileNotFoundError as exc: if scan_type == "single": return (np.array([]), "") if df_lut is not None: print("scanvector.txt not found. Obtaining coordinates from LUT") df_new: pd.DataFrame = df_lut.loc[:, df_lut.columns[2:]] coords, index = compare_coords(df_new.to_numpy()) dim = df_new.columns[index] else: raise FileNotFoundError("scanvector.txt file not found!") from exc if scan_type == "delay": t_0 = scan_info["TimeZero"] coords -= t_0 coords *= 2 / 3e11 * 1e15 return coords, dim
[docs] def compare_coords(axis_data: np.ndarray) -> tuple[np.ndarray, int]: """Identifies the most changing column in a given 2-D numpy array. Args: axis_data (np.ndarray): 2-D numpy array containing LUT data Returns: tuple[np.ndarray, int]: - coords: Maximum changing column as a coordinate - index: Index of the coords in the axis_data array """ diff_list = [abs(col[-1] - col[0]) for col in axis_data.T] index = diff_list.index(max(diff_list)) if max(diff_list) == 0: raise ValueError("Coordinates not found in LUT.") coords = axis_data[:, index] return coords, index
[docs] def parse_info_to_dict(path: Path) -> dict: """Parses the contents of info.txt file into a dictionary Args: path (Path): Path object pointing to the scan folder Returns: dict: Parsed info_dict dictionary """ info_dict: dict[Any, Any] = {} try: with open(path.joinpath("info.txt"), encoding="utf-8") as info_file: for line in info_file.readlines(): if "=" in line: # older scans line_list = line.rstrip("\nV").split("=") elif ":" in line: line_list = line.rstrip("\nV").split(":") else: continue key, value = line_list[0], line_list[1] try: info_dict[key] = float(value) except ValueError: info_dict[key] = value except FileNotFoundError as exc: raise FileNotFoundError("info.txt file not found.") from exc return info_dict
[docs] def handle_meta( df_lut: pd.DataFrame, scan_info: dict, config: dict, fast_axes: list[str], slow_axes: list[str], projection: str, metadata: dict = None, collect_metadata: bool = False, ) -> dict: """Helper function for the handling metadata from different files Args: df_lut (pd.DataFrame): Pandas dataframe containing the contents of LUT.txt as obtained from ``parse_lut_to_df()`` scan_info (dict): scan_info class dict containing containing the contents of info.txt file config (dict): config dictionary containing the contents of config.yaml file fast_axes (list[str]): The fast-axis dimensions of the scan slow_axes (list[str]): The slow-axis dimensions of the scan metadata (dict, optional): Metadata dictionary with additional metadata for the scan. Defaults to empty dictionary. collect_metadata (bool, optional): Option to collect further metadata e.g. from EPICS archiver needed for NeXus conversion. Defaults to False. Returns: dict: metadata dictionary containing additional metadata from the EPICS archive. """ if metadata is None: metadata = {} print("Gathering metadata from different locations") # get metadata from LUT dataframe lut_meta = {} energy_scan_mode = "snapshot" if df_lut is not None: for col in df_lut.columns: col_array = df_lut[f"{col}"].to_numpy() if len(set(col_array)) == 1: lut_meta[col] = col_array[0] else: lut_meta[col] = col_array kinetic_energy = df_lut["KineticEnergy"].to_numpy() if len(set(kinetic_energy)) > 1 and scan_info["ScanType"] == "voltage": energy_scan_mode = "fixed_analyser_transmission" # spell-checker: word: analyser metadata["scan_info"] = complete_dictionary( metadata.get("scan_info", {}), complete_dictionary(lut_meta, scan_info), ) # merging dictionaries print("Collecting time stamps...") if "time" in metadata["scan_info"]: time_list = [metadata["scan_info"]["time"][0], metadata["scan_info"]["time"][-1]] elif "StartTime" in metadata["scan_info"]: time_list = [metadata["scan_info"]["StartTime"]] else: raise ValueError("Could not find timestamps in scan info.") dt_list_iso = [time.replace(".", "-").replace(" ", "T") for time in time_list] datetime_list = [dt.datetime.fromisoformat(dt_iso) for dt_iso in dt_list_iso] ts_from = dt.datetime.timestamp(datetime_list[0]) # POSIX timestamp ts_to = dt.datetime.timestamp(datetime_list[-1]) # POSIX timestamp metadata["timing"] = { "acquisition_start": dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts_from) .replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc) .isoformat(), "acquisition_stop": dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts_to) .replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc) .isoformat(), "acquisition_duration": int(ts_to - ts_from), "collection_time": float(ts_to - ts_from), } if collect_metadata: # Get metadata from Epics archive if not present already start = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts_from).isoformat() # replace metadata names by epics channels try: replace_dict = config["epics_channels"] for key in list(metadata["scan_info"]): if key.lower() in replace_dict: metadata["scan_info"][replace_dict[key.lower()]] = metadata["scan_info"][key] metadata["scan_info"].pop(key) epics_channels = replace_dict.values() except KeyError: epics_channels = [] channels_missing = set(epics_channels) - set(metadata["scan_info"].keys()) if channels_missing: print("Collecting data from the EPICS archive...") for channel in channels_missing: try: _, vals = get_archiver_data( archiver_url=config.get("archiver_url"), archiver_channel=channel, ts_from=ts_from, ts_to=ts_to, ) metadata["scan_info"][f"{channel}"] = np.mean(vals) except IndexError: metadata["scan_info"][f"{channel}"] = np.nan print( f"Data for channel {channel} doesn't exist for time {start}", ) except HTTPError as exc: print( f"Incorrect URL for the archive channel {channel}. " "Make sure that the channel name and file start and end times are " "correct.", ) print("Error code: ", exc) except URLError as exc: print( f"Cannot access the archive URL for channel {channel}. " f"Make sure that you are within the FHI network." f"Skipping over channels {channels_missing}.", ) print("Error code: ", exc) break metadata["scan_info"]["energy_scan_mode"] = energy_scan_mode metadata["scan_info"]["projection"] = projection metadata["scan_info"]["scheme"] = ( "angular dispersive" if projection == "reciprocal" else "spatial dispersive" ) metadata["scan_info"]["slow_axes"] = slow_axes metadata["scan_info"]["fast_axes"] = fast_axes print("Done!") return metadata
[docs] def get_archiver_data( archiver_url: str, archiver_channel: str, ts_from: float, ts_to: float, ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Extract time stamps and corresponding data from and EPICS archiver instance Args: archiver_url (str): URL of the archiver data extraction interface archiver_channel (str): EPICS channel to extract data for ts_from (float): starting time stamp of the range of interest ts_to (float): ending time stamp of the range of interest Returns: tuple[List, List]: The extracted time stamps and corresponding data """ iso_from = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts_from).isoformat() iso_to = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts_to).isoformat() req_str = archiver_url + archiver_channel + "&from=" + iso_from + "Z&to=" + iso_to + "Z" with urlopen(req_str) as req: data = json.load(req) secs = [x["secs"] + x["nanos"] * 1e-9 for x in data[0]["data"]] vals = [x["val"] for x in data[0]["data"]] return (np.asarray(secs), np.asarray(vals))
[docs] def find_scan(path: Path, scan: int) -> list[Path]: """Search function to locate the scan folder Args: path (Path): Path object for data from the default config file scan (int): Scan number of the scan of interest Returns: List[Path]: scan_path: Path object pointing to the scan folder """ print("Scan path not provided, searching directories...") for file in path.iterdir(): if file.is_dir(): try: base = int(file.stem) except ValueError: # not numeric continue if base >= 2019: # only look at folders 2019 onwards scan_path = sorted( file.glob(f"*/*/Raw Data/{scan}"), ) if scan_path: print("Scan found at path:", scan_path[0]) break else: scan_path = [] return scan_path
[docs] def find_scan_type( path: Path, scan_type: str, ): """Rudimentary function to print scan paths given the scan_type Args: path (Path): Path object pointing to the year, for ex., Path("//nap32/topfloor/trARPES/PESData/2020") scan_type (str): string containing the scan_type from the list ["delay","temperature","manipulator","mirror","single"] """ for month in path.iterdir(): if month.is_dir(): for day in month.iterdir(): if day.is_dir(): try: for scan_path in day.joinpath("Raw Data").iterdir(): stype = parse_info_to_dict(scan_path)["ScanType"] if stype == scan_type: print(scan_path) except (FileNotFoundError, NotADirectoryError): pass