Source code for specsscan.core

"""This is the SpecsScan core class"""
from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import os
import pathlib
from importlib.util import find_spec
from logging import warn
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
from typing import Sequence

import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from import tqdm

from specsanalyzer import SpecsAnalyzer
from specsanalyzer.config import parse_config
from import to_h5
from import to_nexus
from import to_tiff
from specsscan.helpers import get_coords
from specsscan.helpers import get_scan_path
from specsscan.helpers import handle_meta
from specsscan.helpers import load_images
from specsscan.helpers import parse_info_to_dict
from specsscan.helpers import parse_lut_to_df

package_dir = os.path.dirname(find_spec("specsscan").origin)

[docs] class SpecsScan: """SpecsAnalyzer class for loading scans and data from SPECS Phoibos electron analyzers, generated with the ARPESControl software at Fritz Haber Institute, Berlin, and EPFL, Lausanne. Args: metadata (dict, optional): Metadata dictionary. Defaults to {}. config (Union[dict, str], optional): Metadata dictionary or file path. Defaults to {}. **kwds: Keyword arguments passed to ``parse_config``. """ def __init__( self, metadata: dict = {}, config: dict | str = {}, **kwds, ): """SpecsScan constructor. Args: metadata (dict, optional): Metadata dictionary. Defaults to {}. config (Union[dict, str], optional): Metadata dictionary or file path. Defaults to {}. **kwds: Keyword arguments passed to ``parse_config``. """ self._config = parse_config( config, default_config=f"{package_dir}/config/default.yaml", **kwds, ) self.metadata = metadata self._scan_info: dict[Any, Any] = {} try: = SpecsAnalyzer( config=self._config["spa_params"], folder_config={}, user_config={}, system_config={}, ) except KeyError: = SpecsAnalyzer( folder_config={}, user_config={}, system_config={}, ) self._result: xr.DataArray = None # pylint: disable=duplicate-code def __repr__(self): if self._config is None: pretty_str = "No configuration available" else: pretty_str = "" for k in self._config: pretty_str += f"{k} = {self._config[k]}\n" # TODO Proper report with scan number, dimensions, configuration etc. return pretty_str if pretty_str is not None else "" @property def config(self): """Get config""" return self._config @config.setter def config(self, config: dict | str): """Set config""" self._config = parse_config( config, default_config=f"{package_dir}/config/default.yaml", ) try: = SpecsAnalyzer(config=self._config["spa_params"]) except KeyError: = SpecsAnalyzer() @property def result(self): """Get result xarray""" return self._result
[docs] def load_scan( self, scan: int, path: str | Path = "", iterations: np.ndarray | slice | Sequence[int] | Sequence[slice] = None, metadata: dict = {}, collect_metadata: bool = False, **kwds, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Load scan with given scan number. When iterations is given, average is performed over the iterations over all delays. Args: scan (int): The scan number of interest path (str | Path, optional): Either a string of the path to the folder containing the scan or a Path object. Defaults to "". iterations (np.ndarray | slice | Sequence[int] | Sequence[slice], optional): A 1-D array of the number of iterations over which the images are to be averaged. The array can be a list, numpy array or a Tuple consisting of slice objects and integers. For ex., ``np.s_[1:10, 15, -1]`` would be a valid input for iterations. Defaults to None. metadata (dict, optional): Metadata dictionary with additional metadata for the scan. Defaults to empty dictionary. collect_metadata (bool, optional): Option to collect further metadata e.g. from EPICS archiver needed for NeXus conversion. Defaults to False. **kwds: Additional arguments passed to ``SpecsAnalyzer.convert()``. Returns: xr.DataArray: xarray DataArray object with kinetic energy, angle/position and optionally a third scanned axis (for ex., delay, temperature) as coordinates. """ scan_path = get_scan_path(path, scan, self._config["data_path"]) df_lut = parse_lut_to_df(scan_path) data = load_images( scan_path=scan_path, df_lut=df_lut, iterations=iterations, tqdm_enable_nested=self._config["enable_nested_progress_bar"], ) self._scan_info = parse_info_to_dict(scan_path) loader_dict = { "iterations": iterations, "scan_path": str(scan_path), "raw_data": data, } (scan_type, lens_mode, kin_energy, pass_energy, work_function) = ( self._scan_info["ScanType"], self._scan_info["LensMode"], self._scan_info["KineticEnergy"], self._scan_info["PassEnergy"], self._scan_info["WorkFunction"], ) coords, dim = get_coords( scan_path=scan_path, scan_type=scan_type, scan_info=self._scan_info, df_lut=df_lut, ) if scan_type == "single": res_xarray = raw_img=data[0], lens_mode=lens_mode, kinetic_energy=kin_energy, pass_energy=pass_energy, work_function=work_function, **kwds, ) elif scan_type == "voltage": # and dim == "kinetic energy": res_xarray = self.process_sweep_scan( raw_data=data, kinetic_energy=coords, pass_energy=pass_energy, lens_mode=lens_mode, work_function=work_function, **kwds, ) else: xr_list: list[xr.DataArray] = [] for image in data: xr_list.append( raw_img=image, lens_mode=lens_mode, kinetic_energy=kin_energy, pass_energy=pass_energy, work_function=work_function, **kwds, ), ) = False = True res_xarray = xr.concat( xr_list, dim=xr.DataArray( coords[: len(data)], # slice coords for aborted/ongoing scans dims=dim, name=dim, ), ) if dim in ["polar", "tilt", "azimuth"]: res_xarray = res_xarray.transpose("Angle", dim, "Ekin") else: res_xarray = res_xarray.transpose("Angle", "Ekin", dim) slow_axes = {dim} if dim else set() fast_axes = set(res_xarray.dims) - slow_axes projection = "reciprocal" if "Angle" in fast_axes else "real" conversion_metadata = res_xarray.attrs.pop("conversion_parameters") # rename coords and store mapping information, if available coordinate_mapping = self._config.get("coordinate_mapping", {}) coordinate_depends = self._config.get("coordinate_depends", {}) rename_dict = { k: coordinate_mapping[k] for k in coordinate_mapping.keys() if k in res_xarray.dims } depends_dict = { rename_dict[k]: coordinate_depends[k] for k in coordinate_depends.keys() if k in res_xarray.dims } res_xarray = res_xarray.rename(rename_dict) for k, v in coordinate_mapping.items(): if k in fast_axes: fast_axes.remove(k) fast_axes.add(v) if k in slow_axes: slow_axes.remove(k) slow_axes.add(v) self._scan_info["coordinate_depends"] = depends_dict axis_dict = { "/entry/sample/transformations/sample_polar": "Polar", "/entry/sample/transformations/sample_tilt": "Tilt", "/entry/sample/transformations/sample_azimuth": "Azimuth", } # store data for resolved axis coordinates for k, v in depends_dict.items(): if v in axis_dict: self._scan_info[axis_dict[v]] = res_xarray.coords[k].data for name in res_xarray.dims: try: res_xarray[name].attrs["unit"] = self._config["units"][name] except KeyError: pass self.metadata.update( **handle_meta( df_lut, self._scan_info, self.config, fast_axes=list(fast_axes), # type: ignore slow_axes=list(slow_axes), projection=projection, metadata=copy.deepcopy(metadata), collect_metadata=collect_metadata, ), **{"loader": loader_dict}, **{"conversion_parameters": conversion_metadata}, ) res_xarray.attrs["metadata"] = self.metadata self._result = res_xarray return res_xarray
[docs] def crop_tool(self, scan: int = None, path: Path | str = "", **kwds): """Cropping tool interface to crop_tool method of the SpecsAnalyzer class. Args: scan (int, optional): Scan number to load data from. Defaults to None. path (Path | str, optional): Path in which to search the scan. Defaults to config['data_path']. Raises: ValueError: Raised if no image loaded, and scan not provided """ matplotlib.use("module://ipympl.backend_nbagg") if scan is not None: scan_path = get_scan_path(path, scan, self._config["data_path"]) data = load_images( scan_path=scan_path, tqdm_enable_nested=self._config["enable_nested_progress_bar"], ) image = data[0] self._scan_info = parse_info_to_dict(scan_path) else: try: image = self.metadata["loader"]["raw_data"][0] except KeyError as exc: raise ValueError("No image loaded, load image first!") from exc image, self._scan_info["LensMode"], self._scan_info["KineticEnergy"], self._scan_info["PassEnergy"], self._scan_info["WorkFunction"], **kwds, )
[docs] def fft_tool(self, scan: int = None, path: Path | str = "", **kwds): """FFT tool to play around with the peak parameters in the Fourier plane. Built to filter out the meshgrid appearing in the raw data images. The optimized parameters are stored in the class config dict under fft_filter_peaks. Args: scan (int, optional): Scan number to load. Defaults to the previously loaded scan. path (Path | str): Path from where to load the data. Defaults to config value. **kwds: Keyword arguments passed to ``SpecsAnalyzer.fft_tool()``: - `apply`: Option to directly apply the settings. - `amplitude`: Normalized amplitude of subtraction - `pos_x`: horizontal spatial frequency of th mesh - `pos_y`: vertical spatial frequency of the mesh - `sigma_x`: horizontal frequency width - `sigma_y`: vertical frequency width """ matplotlib.use("module://ipympl.backend_nbagg") if scan is not None: scan_path = get_scan_path(path, scan, self._config["data_path"]) data = load_images( scan_path=scan_path, tqdm_enable_nested=self._config["enable_nested_progress_bar"], ) image = data[0] else: try: image = self.metadata["loader"]["raw_data"][0] except KeyError as exc: raise ValueError("No image loaded, load image first!") from exc image, **kwds, )
[docs] def check_scan( self, scan: int, delays: Sequence[int] | int, path: str | Path = "", metadata: dict = {}, collect_metadata: bool = False, **kwds, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Function to explore a given 3-D scan as a function of iterations for a given range of delays. Args: scan (int): The scan number of interest delays (Sequence[int] | int): A single delay index or a sequence of delay indices to be averaged over. path (str | Path, optional): Either a string of the path to the folder containing the scan or a Path object. Defaults to config['data_path]. metadata (dict, optional): Metadata dictionary with additional metadata for the scan. Defaults to empty dictionary. collect_metadata (bool, optional): Option to collect further metadata e.g. from EPICS archiver needed for NeXus conversion. Defaults to False. **kwds: Keyword arguments passed to ``SpecsAnalyzer.convert()``. Raises: ValueError: Raised if a single image scan was selected Returns: xr.DataArray: 3-D xarray of dimensions (Ekin, Angle, Iterations) """ scan_path = get_scan_path(path, scan, self._config["data_path"]) df_lut = parse_lut_to_df(scan_path) data = load_images( scan_path=scan_path, df_lut=df_lut, delays=delays, tqdm_enable_nested=self._config["enable_nested_progress_bar"], ) self._scan_info = parse_info_to_dict(scan_path) loader_dict = { "delays": delays, "scan_path": str(scan_path), "raw_data": data, "check_scan": True, } (scan_type, lens_mode, kin_energy, pass_energy, work_function) = ( self._scan_info["ScanType"], self._scan_info["LensMode"], self._scan_info["KineticEnergy"], self._scan_info["PassEnergy"], self._scan_info["WorkFunction"], ) if scan_type == "single": raise ValueError( "Invalid input. A 3-D scan is expected, a 2-D single scan was provided instead.", ) xr_list = [] for image in data: xr_list.append( image, lens_mode, kin_energy, pass_energy, work_function, **kwds, ), ) = False = True conversion_metadata = xr_list[0].attrs["conversion_parameters"] dims = get_coords( scan_path=scan_path, scan_type=scan_type, scan_info=self._scan_info, df_lut=df_lut, ) res_xarray = xr.concat( xr_list, dim=xr.DataArray( np.arange(0, len(data)), # slice coords for aborted/ongoing scans dims="Iteration", name="Iteration", ), ) res_xarray = res_xarray.transpose("Angle", "Ekin", "Iteration") for name in res_xarray.dims: try: res_xarray[name].attrs["unit"] = self._config["units"][name] except KeyError: pass slow_axes = {"Iteration"} fast_axes = set(res_xarray.dims) - slow_axes projection = "reciprocal" if "Angle" in fast_axes else "real" self.metadata.update( **handle_meta( df_lut, self._scan_info, self.config, fast_axes=list(fast_axes), # type: ignore slow_axes=list(slow_axes), projection=projection, metadata=metadata, collect_metadata=collect_metadata, ), **{"loader": loader_dict}, **{"conversion_parameters": conversion_metadata}, ) if metadata is not None: self.metadata.update(**metadata) res_xarray.attrs["metadata"] = self.metadata self._result = res_xarray return res_xarray
[docs] def save( self, faddr: str, **kwds, ): """Saves the loaded data to the provided path and filename. Args: faddr (str): Path and name of the file to write. Its extension determines the file type to write. Valid file types are: - "*.tiff", "*.tif": Saves a TIFF stack. - "*.h5", "*.hdf5": Saves an HDF5 file. - "*.nxs", "*.nexus": Saves a NeXus file. **kwds: Keyword arguments, which are passed to the writer functions: For TIFF writing: - **alias_dict**: Dictionary of dimension aliases to use. For HDF5 writing: - **mode**: hdf5 read/write mode. Defaults to "w". For NeXus: - **reader**: Name of the pynxtools reader to use. Defaults to config["nexus"]["reader"] - **definition**: NeXus application definition to use for saving. Must be supported by the used ``reader``. Defaults to config["nexus"]["definition"] - **input_files**: A list of input files to pass to the reader. Defaults to config["nexus"]["input_files"] - **eln_data**: Path to a json file with data from an electronic lab notebook. Its is appended to the ``input_files``. """ if self._result is None: raise NameError("Need to load data first!") extension = pathlib.Path(faddr).suffix if extension in (".tif", ".tiff"): to_tiff( data=self._result, faddr=faddr, **kwds, ) elif extension in (".h5", ".hdf5"): to_h5( data=self._result, faddr=faddr, **kwds, ) elif extension in (".nxs", ".nexus"): reader = kwds.pop("reader", self._config["nexus"]["reader"]) definition = kwds.pop( "definition", self._config["nexus"]["definition"], ) input_files = kwds.pop( "input_files", copy.deepcopy(self._config["nexus"]["input_files"]), ) if isinstance(input_files, str): input_files = [input_files] if "eln_data" in kwds: input_files.append(kwds.pop("eln_data")) to_nexus( data=self._result, faddr=faddr, reader=reader, definition=definition, input_files=input_files, **kwds, ) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Unrecognized file format: {extension}.", )
[docs] def process_sweep_scan( self, raw_data: list[np.ndarray], kinetic_energy: np.ndarray, pass_energy: float, lens_mode: str, work_function: float, **kwds, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Process sweep scan by interpolating each frame onto a common grid given by the voltage step, and summing over all frames. Args: raw_data (list[np.ndarray]): List of raw data images kinetic_energy (np.ndarray): Array of analyzer set kinetic energy values pass_energy (float): set analyzer pass energy lens_mode (str): analyzer lens mode, check calib2d for a list of modes CamelCase naming convention e.g. "WideAngleMode" work_function (float): set analyzer work function Returns: xr.DataArray: Converted sweep scan """ ekin_step = kinetic_energy[1] - kinetic_energy[0] if not (np.diff(kinetic_energy) == ekin_step).all(): warn( "Conversion of sweep scans with non-equidistant energy steps " "might produce wrong results!", ) # convert first image converted = raw_data[0], lens_mode, kinetic_energy[0], pass_energy, work_function, **kwds, ) conversion_parameters = converted.attrs["conversion_parameters"] # check for crop parameters if ( not {"ang_range_min", "ang_range_max", "ek_range_min", "ek_range_max"}.issubset( set(, ) or not["crop"] ): warn("No valid cropping parameters found, consider using crop_tool() to set.") e_step = converted.Ekin[1] - converted.Ekin[0] e0 = converted.Ekin[-1] - ekin_step e1 = converted.Ekin[0] + kinetic_energy[-1] - kinetic_energy[0] data = xr.DataArray( data=np.zeros((len(converted.Angle), len(np.arange(e0, e1, e_step)))), coords={"Angle": converted.Angle, "Ekin": np.arange(e0, e1, e_step)}, dims=["Angle", "Ekin"], ) for i, ekin in enumerate(tqdm(kinetic_energy)): = False converted = raw_img=raw_data[i], lens_mode=lens_mode, kinetic_energy=ekin, pass_energy=pass_energy, work_function=work_function, **kwds, ) energies = converted.Ekin.where( (converted.Ekin >= data.Ekin[0]) & (converted.Ekin < data.Ekin[-1]), 0, ) energy_indices = np.argwhere(energies.values).squeeze() # filling target array using "nearest" method target_energy = data.Ekin.sel(Ekin=converted.Ekin[energies > 0], method="nearest") target_indices = np.argwhere(np.isin(data.Ekin.values, target_energy.values)).squeeze() data[:, target_indices] += converted[:, energy_indices].values = True # Strip first and last energy points, as they are not fully filled data = data[:, 1:-1] data.attrs["conversion_parameters"] = conversion_parameters return data